Thursday, 21 January 2010

The RenSMART model and web application is almost ready for release. I've been trying to get the processing time down. It was taking 30 seconds+ to update a financial projection for a project. It now takes about 15, however all the data is now transferred in on big transaction so there is less feedback about what the process is doing.

The snow went, came back and has now gone. The sun is out but we are all out of oil (darn) and no delivery until tomorrow. We'll be getting through a few logs tonight.

Monday, 11 January 2010

Best Intentions

Well it's been a while... probably the most used phrase in and diary or blog (253 million times according to a Google search) In the the period since November I have had time out from RenSMART development to look after the boys while the child minder went on holiday and a dose of bronchitis and then there was Christmas. Anyway back now and a new year. The RenSMART financial planning tool is coming along nicely and will go live at the end of January! Only a few bits to sort out with the front end and some testing. At the same time as working on that I have been working on a number of live feed applications that RenSMART members will be able to sign up for. First is a energy use monitor that will create an energy use profile for use with the financial planner and secondly a weather station feed again for use with RenSMART services.
There is still snow on the ground as there has been for the last week. Every one seems to have got used to it and people are moving around again. When it first fell the area ground to a halt. Our little lane turned into an ice slope. Lucky we haven't got rid of the Freelander yet as the Seat would not make it up.
Now back to the project.