Since then, I've occasionally dipped back in to the area of GAs (Genetic Algorithms) to try and improve them and occasionally to solve complex problems. Once you have created all the elements, they almost magically find solutions to complex problems particularly .
Environment - The problem space
Individual - A possible solution to be tried in the problem space
vDNA (virtual DNA) - A string of data that defines an individual
Gene - A unit of the data that makes up the vDNA
Transcription - The process where vDNA is used to make an individual
Mutation - A random change made to the vDNA at transcription
Breed - combine elements from two individuals to create a new child individual
Solution Score - A numerical measure of the success of a solution (its health)
Heath Velocity - Rate the populations score is increasing
GAs have several drawbacks that I have tried to address:
- First, they do not work well on solving linear problems where one step must follow another to reach a better solution. My current attempt to solve this is to start the individual at random points in the problem space or to test them with the environment in a random starting states or to test them at random points in a solution where this is possible.
- Secondly, mutations can happen anywhere in the sequence of vDNA that describe a possible solution. I am attempting to tackle this by adding an extra variable to each gene in the vDNA that defines its mutability. The mutability value itself can mutate, and I hope that this will enable individuals to evolve with essential elements of their solution protected from mutation.
I've also investigated whether you can use a GA to breed a better GA. GAs have a number of variables and processes that it should be possible to optimise eg. mutation rate, breeding selection, crossover rules and variables that could be used to modify these rules such as rate of increase of score (population health velocity).
- Thirdly, the building blocks of the individual constrain the solutions possible. Living organisms use the versatile protein to make all manner of complex solutions to problems, however a GA does not have this constraint, what should be the elements for a virtual protein in a GA ?
Some suggestions:
- Boolean rules: If
then - Simple mathematical functions: add, subtract, multiply and divide
- Iterations: While
then - Lookup value tables
- Neural network nodes
It is probable that the optimum set of building blocks to create a solution will depend on the type of problem space. So I am looking at whether you can use a GA to develop a set of optimum building blocks. To do this you would generate and breed small solution units and test them against a problem space. Units would be selected on the basis that they have managed to change the state of the environment in any way (either positively or negatively). Thus you end up with a set of candidate building blocks that interact with the environment and can be used to try to breed a solution.
Another issue is that solutions tend to converge on a single path through the problem space and although the individuals are scoring highly they may have reached a dead end (low or zero health velocity). GAs are incapable of reversing from a high scoring solution to find a completely different route.
To address this, I now have a GA architecture with a concept of breeding pools. In each pool a different element of the solution is being bred. The pools feed into each other when certain criteria are met, for instance when the rate of increase of solution score reaches a certain level, the best individual is taken to become a member of a new pool. The original pool is reset and searches for an optimum solution again. The new pool waits for a population of high scoring individuals to be bread and then uses these as the staring population for a new process of breeding an optimal solution.
Further to this, I have been looking at how you can accelerate GAs by breeding populations of small partial solution solvers that can collaborate to find an overall solution. Questions to answer are:
- What is the smallest solution solver that can be used ?
- When should one of these individuals act ?
- How do you score an individual, allocating a score that relates to its part in an overall solution ?
- When can you remove an individual from the population ?
- What are the rules for when and where a new individual should be placed in the population ?
An experiment I have not yet attempted is building a Lamarck Algorithm. Although Lamarckism has been demonstrated not to happen in the real world, there is no reason it could not be implemented in a virtual environment. it would be interesting to see if it accelerates finding a solution or if there is some underlying mathematical reason it does not occur naturally. An extension to this would be an individual that never dies but continues to evolve in some way without having to create children to improve its solution. There does seem to be some similarity between such a system and neural networks, both simulated and in the real world.